The Mental Game is Not One-Size-Fits-All

In a world full of custom clubs, custom clothes, and custom training programs, golfers have been bombarded with mental anecdotes left and right. However, it was difficult to ever tell if these anecdotes would work until one tried them on the course or implemented the ultimate test, tournament play. 

We can fine-tune our clubs to the degree and adjust the weight of a club by a gram, but the mental game is often approached by players as a guessing game. A cruel guessing game that is either based on preconceived notions or what they heard their favorite golfer say in the most recent post-round interview. To add a layer of complexity to this guessing game, what works for some most likely won’t work for others.

One mental tip can be the key to success for a person and an avenue for self-sabotage for others. This is why many people on social media quarrel over what is the “correct” way to think on the golf course. The “correct” answer is that there simply isn’t a correct way to think on the course because we are all wired differently. If this weren’t the case, golfers would have figured this out long ago. 

Wiring and Mental Preferences

Much like how you are either left-handed or right-handed your mind also has preferences. These preferences come from each of the 4 main psychological facets. 

1. Energy Management     2. Perception      3. Evaluation   4. Structure 

Between these 4 facets, there are 16 different combinations. These combinations are best suited to approach the game of golf in their own unique way. This is why we see such a wide range of methodologies and personalities when watching professional golf on TV. Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, and Rory McIlroy are not the same and would self-sabotage if they tried to emulate each other.

Have you ever thought why a certain mental key on the golf course worked for one round but then seemed to cause frustration in every round after that? Maybe you have a mental key that never holds up during the big moments. It is likely that you were operating outside of your mental preferences. Similarly, we can all perform tasks with our non-dominant hand. However, when under pressure, especially with motor skills, we would choose the dominant hand every time if our life depended on it. The same goes for your mind. 

Learn which mental golf type applies to you and how to utilize your mental preferences through mental coaching with me!

Click Here for the Mental Golf Type quiz to determine your mental preferences. 

After you get your results, you can book a free consultation with me to discuss what they mean!

Visit for further info or contact me via email at


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